Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dit is so belangrik.



Last week we had the first certificate ceremony during school hours for the Grade 8 and 9 learners. It was well organised and attended by most parents and learners.

Before the ceremony, dress rehearsal and getting ready.
During the ceremony.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Equilibrium - visit to Parliament

Looking back at a trip to remember...25 October 2012

Beauretha Seagren, Roy Wachter, Tiffany Lewis and Lelethu Vanga - visit Pravin Gordhan's speech in Parliament. It is part of the All Stars Academy project. In an exlusive interview the spokesperson excitedly exclaimed: "We were beyond nervous and exited." After the event, Roy, spoke to min. Gill Marcus and she directed us to the "chambers" where we met up with Mr Pravin Gordhan. What a fantastic day! Our photo's will be with us forever!
These are only a few of our photo's. Thanks to Equilibrium. All stars project rocks!

Monday, November 5, 2012

MATHS LIT PAPER 2. The true test! 5/11/2012

From the top left: Chanté Elie felt that the paper contained challenges, but it was fair. Jean de Bruyn was visibly relieved when the session ended, Karla het verklaar dat sommige areas sommer moeilik en tydrowend was, Ashton Northcote merely smiled and said it was a 'true test' and Wade Coetzee said it was no comparison to the 1st paper of Friday. The exam session was completed with no incidence and under strict invigilator control. We had 5 invigilators at all times, thank you team. Thank you Grade 12!s you make us proud.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

1 NOVEMBER, die maand voor DESEMBER!

Vandag was Afrikaans Huistaal en Eerste Addisionele Taal aan die beurt. Dit was ook een van die "warmer" dae... matrieks het bankvas gesit en as mens so oor hulle skouers geloer het, was daar maar 'n paar wat wilde kanse gevat het...(Rhyno met sy 'Egyptenare', sal my altyd bybly).
In this collage, top left hand corner, shows our academic interest in the rules and regulations of the exams. The rest of the photo's was taken with my own cell phone. "I don't think it is time for an upgrade yet, it still brings out the best in unexpected moments. Thanks matrix 2012 for your exceptional behaviour during this session. It was hot and we were all a bit "bothered". It is time that the CLASS of 2012 installs Air Conditioning. Your first 'pay cheques' must be paid in at the office in 2013! Thank you...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


24 October 2012 - Grade 12 Final CAT Practical

Grade 12's of 2012. It was your last visit to our Computer lab. Hope you have a safe journey.
One invigilator per 10 learners. Partitions between "work stations". Network security. Honest individual capability. Good administration. Huge responsibility: Mrs Africa attends the final 3 hours of the multi session. We take pride in preparation. "Dankie Eskom" en Mev. Barnard wat spesiaal ons eksamentyd aangekondig het, in terme van kragonderbrekings.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Brynneth Merrington was the first English Home Language learner to finish the paper and he was clear on the fact that it was not an easy paper.
Claudine Pieterse and Anneline Jordaan thought that the English First Additional paper was fair and true to the nature of their year's work. No surprises at all!
Today was in some cases a true Blue Monday for some of our Matric learners. A few of them "just" arrived on time and a few was left red in the face after we found that they took chances to enter the school hall still with their cell phones in their possession. Mr Barkhuizen told them about the 2 metal detectors that we have received from Safe Schools and that a cell phone can easily be traced if we are going to use it later in the week. Today they wrote English Home Language and English First Additional Language. I have spoken to a few learners after they wrote exams. More about them later.
Exactly 09:00 they started writing their English Language papers.


More Photo's of the Rocklands Camp

Mr Marescia took these photo's when he transported the learners to Simonstown. According to the photo's it seems that they had a lot of rain on Friday and still adverse weather conditions after that. This morning the learners reported back that despite of the weather, they had a fantastic camp and it was over too soon. We want to make an urgent appeal to parents whose children goes to a camp to come fetch them on time when they return from a camp. It is your responsibility to organise transport from school to your house. We urge you also to double check that your cell phone is on and that you are available when your child is on a camp.
Pose by the pool.

Beautiful ocean view

On their way to Rocklands - Miss Lawrence and Mr Lind joins in.

Fun time.

Mr Lionel Marescia - thank you for going the extra mile.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Christian Union Camp 19 - 21 October 2012


On Thursday 16 August 2012 I attended a meeting at the Communicare Centre and met some of the stakeholders. Amongst these members was Sedrico Husselman area manager of Scripture Union. We started talking and after a passionate report given by me, he offered to get involved with our Christian Union at school. It started here. Then I invited him to attend the Hill Song assembly in our school hall. You all know how electrifying that was. I mean to get me to "wallow" was a huge experience and to hear Miss Steyn "rap" - wow.
In the center Mr Lourens De Jager Manager of the Centre. Our meeting was so fruitfull.

Sedrico kept his promise and emailed me that he got a sponsorship of R2000 and he invited 5 of our dedicated Christian Union learners to attend a camp at Rocklands Camp Site in Simonstown. Mrs Janse van Rensburg selected the 5 learners, Mr Lind took the responsibility of coordinating this whole camp and Miss Lawrence went along for the "joy ride". Thank you to these educators for helping me make this dream come true. Mr Lionel Marescia was so kind as to offer his free time to transport these learners today and fetch them again on Sunday from Simonstown. We are truly in debt with him, because this is done above all his normal duties and after hours.
Mr Lind at the back. From the left: Vuyokazi Tubali, Ursula Adams, Austin-Lee Hendricks, Charnene Havenga and Ntombi Bless. They were so grateful and humbled by the chance to go to the camp.
Here are some photo's I obtained from the Rocklands web site to give you an idea of the wonderful surroundings and facilities they will enjoy over the week end. Vuyokazi, being the oldest of them all, was elected as leader. This is the first of many opportunities for these 5 learners. Truly a prayer that has been answered.
Despite the adverse weather, they will certainly enjoy the indoor facilities.
I will keep you posted on the outcome of the camp. The learners promised me they will hand me a report on their experience of the week end.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Exclusive Interview with our Head Prefects of 2013

Reshonda Lodewyk and Shane-Dean Bennett

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. Dwight D. Eisenhower

Today during break I had the opportunity to get to know our Head Prefects a little bit better. That gave me an idea to interview them later in the form of a questionnaire. These are some of the facts that came out of our interaction.
Both reacted the same on the question if they think they are kind hearted or strict leaders: Reshonda said: "I am a kindhearted person, but I stand for order, protocol and discipline."
I have asked them what they will do if they see a friend break a school rule: Shane-Dean said: "Even if they are my friends, I have a duty as Head Boy to ensure that I respect the school's Code of Conduct."
 Now for the ultimate killer question:  Are you afraid that you might become unpopular in the near future?  Reshonda:  "No, I have a responsibility towards the school, I am not here to please learners, but I'm here to do what is expected of me." Shane-Dean:  "I am not afraid that I might become unpopular, being Head Boy of Goodwood College is not about being popular!"
Their take on Terrain Duty: Both agree upon the necessity of doing such duty. "It is a great way of meeting everyone and also a big responsibility of witnessing what learners are up to during breaks." They are also very aware that it will take some time to persuade the other prefects to respect their views on this very important function.
Five areas of discipline they would like to focus on in 2013: Reshonda: "The use of illegal substances, school dress code, littering on school grounds, disruptiveness in the lines and in classes, disrespectful learners."  Shane-Dean: "Neatness, Honesty, Punctuality, Respect to Staff, Abstain from illegal substances on the terrain." During our walk on the school terrain we had to write down the names of 4 boys who were illegally purchasing foodstuff from a house shop on the side of the school where learners are not supposed to be. They were obviously levelled! (I am glad to say they were caught 'red handed' and they apologised profusely. They know we will be back...) lol
Thank you Head Prefects. You make us proud in the humble way you think, react and plan.
Next article - meeting the entire Prefect Body!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012



''the mouse race that prepares you for the rat race"

Did I really say: "I will not miss you - EVER?" That was not me, it was my "ventriloquist"! (got you there, ha ha!)
Serious:  "This is where you grab the dictionary and put aside your computer..."

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

May this image inspire you...

Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.
-Tom Blandi
We have decided to make this our signature image for the blog.

Fantastic support from our "NEW" 2013 Grade 8 Parents

Don’t look further for answers: be the solution. You were born with everything you need to know. Make a promise to stop getting in the way of the blessing that you are. Take a deep breath, remember to have fun, and begin. -Jonathan H. Ellerby
16 October 2012 marks the beginning of a school career for at least 130 new applicants to our school. A highly successful evening where we have met the parents and learners joining us in 2013. This information evening should set aside all uncertainties for the new year. Thank you Mrs Africa for driving this "venture". We also extend our gratitude towards the secretaries Hannelie and Alida for making communication possible and get the parents to school in full force. All the educators who participated in making this evening possible showed us their extended commitment to drive education at Goodwood College.
In this collage, you will notice the newly found commitment from parents, learners and teachers. We salute you!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Thank you followers

Our Blog passed 7000 hits for this year only! I am so proud to see how many interest our blog generates.
Keep watching this space...
Today our new Prefects for 2013 were introduced to the school during our last formal assembly. We will feature interviews with our new prefects and hear what they are willing to bring to the "table" next year. We were so proud of them today when they appeared on stage so neatly dressed and eager looking.
Our Head Boy: Shane-Dean Bennett and Head Girl: Reshonda Lodewyk

National Teacher's Day Breakfast 12 Oct 2012

Albert Einstein -
It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.

Nice relaxed atmosphere and music

Saturday, October 13, 2012


We were dealing with images in one of our CAT activities and I was challenged to make use of Google Satellite Maps. It is quite tricky to capture images from this application. After a long struggle, we could get an image of our school. Makes us proud. Our school grounds look majestic from above. This poses a new challenge, let us make it better! I am looking for learners to add value by combating the littering and graffiti at our school. Please respond by sending emails to the blog master:

(click on image to enlarge)


Business opportunities are like busses, there’s always another one coming. – Richard Branson

12 September - 16 September 2012

Collage on Entrepreneurship Expo, more later...
Representing our College:
Mrs Sharon Coetzee, Mrs Virginia Africa, Marlon Janson and
Shannon Stevens.

After Hibernation - Let's look back

ABS (anything but schoolshoes) DAY - August 2012

End of week fundraiser and lots of fun. It was a new concept and some took it seriously.

Mr Barkhuizen, Mrs Coetzee, A. Davids, K. Phillips en M. Phillips

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Communication with our parents.

"Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts."
Albert Einstein

We are always humble when organizing a parent's evening, discussing test marks, behaviour, performance. Thank you for all parties who engaged in making our intervention evening possible. Thank you for the patience and time to discuss the assessment outcomes.

We find time to speak to all parents. Thank you all.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Goodwood College @ camping 13 - 15 April '12

Apart from the 'Surf Walk', we had a very successful matric camp and a camp for the Rachel's Angels. Feedback from both these events, were more than 100% positive in bringing back school pride and the motto to take hold of all the opportunities in one's way.

We thank all our teachers who took part in these ventures!

Above all, we are truly humbled by all the positive things happening at our school...

Friday 13 April 2012 - "Grade 12's our their way to the Chrysalis Academy in Tokai"

The journey

The destination

On the same day: "Rachel's Angels fly off to Mykonos!!!"

Our Angels, our pride. We salute you. Thank you Mrs Clarke and Mrs Olivier!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Goodwood College - 'Surf Walk' 2012

"In activity we must find our joy as well as glory; and labor, like everything else that is good, is its own reward."
- Edwin P. Whipple
Almost half our school's learners set out today and enjoyed one of the last 31 degree Autumn days in Cape Town. This fantastic educational excursion started at Mouille Point light house and ended at the Sea Point Swimming Pool. It forms part of our ongoing program to raise funds in order to keep our school fees affordable. As the quote above states it was bound to integrate joy, organization and positive behaviour from everyone that took part. We are truly PROUD of our learners. The core of our College is stable, healthy and hosts the essence to establish true school pride.
The route

Real time blue skies, friends and lots of fun
The reality


Friday, March 23, 2012


GRADE 7'S OF 2012

From Monday 19 March till Thursday 22 March we paid visits to primary schools that gave us a time slot to speak to their Grade 7 learners. Not all schools had the opportunity to host us, because some were busy with assessments. We promised them a link to our presentation and they want to use it to show their grade 7 learners some options when choosing a high school for next year.

Enrolment applications started 12 March 2012 and it closes on 18 May 2012 when we will start with interviews of the applicants and their parents.


Download the presentation from this link:

Our contact details is at the end of the PowerPoint presentation.

Feel free to contact us if you need more information.

3078 pageviews!

Our aim was to get 3000 page views before June 2012 and WOW, today at the beginning of the March holidays we stand at an astounding 3078 page views. This calls for a celebration image! Happy holidays! Enjoy the rest! Keep viewing our blog!

Celebration image created in Microsoft Paint!

Dear "uncle" PAT

Pat Mundy's Birthday

Pat or "uncle" Pat as he is called by our learners, is a kind hearted friend of our college. He turned ?? on Saturday 17 March 2012. In his modest way while posing for the photo, he said: "I hope this photo comes out beautifully". Pat always go beyond his job description in being a true believer in his Maker. He is always in a cheerful mood and goes about his day in his stride and for many of us it would be difficult to keep up with him in our 'bustling' staff kitchen. Thank you uncle Pat, we are proud of you and we love you. [request to remove age]

Pat Mundy's birthday! Congratulations.

Monday, March 19, 2012


I had the privilege of having an interview with one of our 7 Rachel's Angels. In an exclusive interview with Reshonda Lodewyk, I have learned the following.

The project is taking shape and Reshonda responds to my questions:
  • All identified learners are ready to commit and take part 100%
  • "We got the best news, we are going to attend a camp at Club Mykonos from 13 April - 15 April 2012, where we will meet up with our mentors from the University of Stellenbosch. (They are all active students and committed to this project.)
  • "Our mentors will then have the opportunity to get to know us and the purpose of it all is to develop our social skills, educational awareness as well as our emotional capacity to make informed decisions towards our future."
  • We received the letters late last week and we are so excited and we are humbled by this wonderful opportunity.
  • Reshonda says: "This opportunity has a big influence on how I feel about my normal school day. I am much more motivated about my school work and the opportunities that lie ahead.
We wish our 7 learners all the best of luck. This is surely an opportunity that must be cherished.

Reshonda Lodewyk Grade 11

Grade 12 - First Assessment 2012

"It's not all play and no work".

On Friday 16 March, the Grade 12's had their first experience of writing a formal assessment in the hall. Strictly under examination conditions. Almost double the number of learners since 2011. After our 98% pass rate of 2011, we have a huge responsibility and bench mark to keep up with.

Seriously engaging.


No dispute, we have the most beautiful learners!

In the centre Vashini Rose and Jody Denis

Simply the best.

Even in school clothes they shine!

Teachers and learners, from Equestrian to Home Executive!

Saturday 9 March 2012 was yet again a highlight on our social calendar. This initiative is one of our signature events. Congratulations to all contestants. You make us proud. Thank you teachers for taking part this year. This event can only grow from now on.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


At rehearsal today... a discreet photo collage. On Saturday 9 March 2012 it will be a battle with a difference. 15:00 in the school hall where 25 models will compete for this prestigious title. This event is open to the public. Apart from the models, there will be entertainment as well.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Grade 11's good luck with the formal assessment tomorrow. Be sure to study the following from your notes:
  • Internet and email
  • Compression software
  • File types - pdf, jpeg, png
  • Netiquette
  • Attachments
  • Types of networks - LAN WAN
  • Network topology
  • Reasons for networking
  • Kinds of networks
The test will be 50 marks and to be completed in the test period.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Grade 12 PAT progress

PAT progress and check list
  1. Downloaded PAT document
  2. Understand the topic and your focus
  3. Folder with electronic evidence of research to back up focus area
  4. Established email address
  5. Survey posted to 5 email recipients
  6. 5 responses imported into an Excel spreadsheet from text format
  7. 5 responses copied onto a new sheet in your spreadsheet file
  8. 15 more responses captured by you
  9. Columns added with functions and formulae as taught in Term 1
  10. Statistical data manipulated to answer questions in your report
  11. Setting up your phase 1 document with task description main question and planned 15 odd questions apart from your survey questions
  12. Determine at least 5 headings for these questions
  13. Vary the level of these questions in no certain order
  14. Compile your final electronic folder with appropriate naming
  15. Rubric checked and all uncertain areas checked by educator
  16. Ask for printed rubric, complete personal details and marked with pencil
  17. Submit on 6 March 2012
This check list is available on the network folder for Grade 12's


Never a dull moment...opportunities knocking...
Trial run and it was well received by our learners, thank you for good behaviour!
Good discipline and Mr Scheepers the referee keeping the game going! Thank you Mr Scheepers.
Action and anticipation
Electricity in the air - we love soccer sir!

Please take a photo of us! (Shannon vd Berg and friends)

Two Oceans Soccer Academy climbs on board, WOW!

At our very last School Governing Body Meeting for the current members, we were delighted to have a double celebration. Some time ago the Academy invited us to attend a special presentation of their intention to go into a partnership with the National Department of Social Development. Last night we signed a contract with them and we also officially support their motto from now onwards:  To use soccer as a positive re enforcement of good values and discipline in young people. Our learners are going to benefit from this - BIG TIME. 

From Left: Mr Llewllyn Rhoda, Mr Cecil Abrahams, Mr Barkhuizen, Mrs Tanya Olivier (seated) and
Mrs Virginia Africa Principal during the signing of the contract.

The last meeting of our current Governing Body before the elections in March 2012 and we thank them for their loyalty.