Sunday, May 22, 2016


In the Computer Applications Technology environment, we embrace Apps. Our Business Study teachers attended a Quiz-morning. Taking photos on the day and sending it with text. It was an early morning for everyone on this day. Thanks to Me Martilene & Chrisme Nel for the extra effort to assist our learners in their pursuit of excellence. We appreciate their added value to our school.
Business Study Quiz Competition at HS Tafelberg in Bothasig. They went through to the Cup Final!!! Taking part against Milnerton High, Bosmansdam High etc.
17 Schools taking part. 4 Rounds of solid conversation.
Goodwood College got to Round 2 of the Final Countdown.
Our motto is not the final Cup, but the journey! More photos will follow.
This is the way to go. Business is busy!


So many talent!

Photos posted.



Thank you.

We are humble in our acknowledgement of the extended hand of caring from our sponsors.

(It leaves us with a loss of words.)

We strive to uplift and educate our "dear" learners to reach their maximum potential.

Our core business is to teach them the basics of food technology and planning to run a successful household/entrepreneurial venture. The environment to teach them must embody today's standards. Hence the necessity of an upgrade in the Consumer Study Classroom.

Thanks to all stakeholders. You all contributed to the one ingredient in a recipe that will ensure a 100% end result.

Sun International; Sun Grand West; Sun Golden Valley and Sun Table Bay Hotel

General Manager of Grand West: Mr Naidoo and his dedicated team experiencing our revamped Consumer Room.