Friday, February 24, 2012

Sometimes a sad wave crushes nearby...

Tonight I dedicate my blog post to 3 of our educators at Goodwood College. I do not think words can fill the void left by the unforeseen.
Miss Dominique Hendricks' father passed away and we try to support this very dedicated teacher in her troubled moment.
Today we received news of the passing away of Miss Alicia Esau's grandmother and Mr Leon Barnard's brother.
It is always sad to be around courageous teachers like them in moments like these.

We truly feel your loss and we will do everything to support you. Thank you for being part of our Goodwood College family, we surely feel your loss.

Snow­drops grow to be about 15 cen­time­ters high and bloom from Jan­u­ary to Feb­ru­ary in the north­ern tem­per­ate zones. I found this modest gesture on the website: 

Thursday, February 23, 2012


A fresh facade like a breeze making one feels good...
The school as seen from the front. Clean roof and good fence!

The roof from close up.

Passing by the school. It has a good feel to it as I took the photo!

Rome was not built in one day, but even with the number of changes at the infrastructure of our building and school grounds done and many more in the pipeline, we are proud. The palisade fence on the front and side was completed yesterday afternoon. Minor clean up and joining to gates must still be done.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Our proud leaders! Carla and Juan. I dedicate today's last post to you...
"Successful leadership is not about being tough or soft, sensitive or assertive, but about a set of attributes.
First and foremost is character"
— Warren Bennis


Today we had a visit from Germany. A delegation with interest in our school as part of a network in social uplifting programmes. Baby steps, but the sky is the limit. We will keep you posted. Read the Argus newspaper tomorrow...

It is all about meeting and being positive. So much praise from our German visitors for what we plan.


Time wasted on planning is never time wasted...

Good guidance by our CAT teacher, now we have to implement it. Extra lab time after school and we have to research, focus and choose.

Ashton Northcote setting up the survey...

Kyle answering an electronic survey.

I can still smile sir!


On Friday 17 February 2012, we introduced an alternative to the 2 hours a learner has to sit detention for certain transgressions. We gave them a choice as to do 1 hour of adding value to the school by improving the areas that are high in maintenance. We discovered a definite change in a few learners that started to clean up the Ecco Garden situated in an encloused court yard.

Craig and Shakeel ready to add value to the school.

Even when these 4 learners saw me taking photos of the maintenance work at the roof and windows, they were ever so keen to pose for a photo. (Perhaps the few minutes under the shade of a big guava tree was the key to the enthusiasm.) Thank you guys, you did a good job, with a lot of smiles!