Saturday, February 11, 2012

Goodwood College Staff united as one @ Cultivaria Stellenbosch

Saturday 11 February 2012 from 08:00 till 16:00, our staff gathered at the Cultivaria Guest Lodge in Stellenbosch to attend a workshop on Positive Behaviour for Teaching, Learning and Living. Our very talented and energetic Natalie Borman presented a workshop that made us feel one in teaching and tackling challenges of everyday classroom situations. Wow! What a mouthful.

Natalie explaining "The Chips" lol

Miss Tarien Botha studying the notes
Group 2 planning our strategy on classroom behaviour
Serious Group Work :-)
Miss Lawrence, Mrs Africa Miss Moralie and Miss Esau between sessions

Looking back at the afternoon, it was surely worthwhile! Goodwood College's staff united. This makes me PROUD!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Friday fun! What a way to end a busy week! Lots of fun and talent! Thank you Mrs Neethling!
As part of our ongoing program of fun, we tested the "waters" as to have a fun afternoon as a runner up to the Valentine's Celebration. This initiative comes from Mrs Neethling and her team of entrepreneurs. It was really heartwarming to see staff and students getting together to have an afternoon of fun. Thank you to staff members for joining in and making this venture a great success. Mrs Neethling, Mr Davids, Mr Leukes, Mr Reid, Miss Esau, Mr Barkhuizen, Miss Lawrence and Mr Graham Carelse and Mr Kallie Smith. Without you and your smiles and ongoing spirit, this would not be possible.

Photo compilation of great fun and laughs!
Thank you Robby for bringing us joy through music and laughter!
Always SAFE with our friendly security. Thank you!
Alicia Esau, Robby and Miss Lawrence lining up the "artists"

Thursday, February 9, 2012

9 Feb 2012. A "face lift" for Goodwood College!

This afternoon work started on the “face lift” of our school’s front fencing and also gates to the side entrances of the main school grounds. This will bring about a whole new look to members of public that visit our school. The fencing project is now in Phase1. We are going to have yearly sections added to phase1, but in different stages.
Work started at the bridge side of the school grounds and will extend right round to the sports field entrance and the side dead end road leading to the gate at the library.

Die tafel is gedek! Stunning display of cloud cover on Table Mountain seen from our school!

Huge portions of the roof of our school has been cleaned and repaired. After 70 years it is still a majestic building in our community. One feels a sense of pride as you drive up to the school on a summer's morning like today.
Let us take hands and create a school that stands out in our hearts and photo albums. I am so proud to belong to Goodwood College.

A sense of fellowship...

Sport has the ability to join people together. Yesterday at the CPUT athletics track @ Sacs Circle it was proven again. The athletes and staff of Goodwood College made a very good impression. The achievements of individual athletes made us proud. Thank you to the 64 athletes who participated on the day. We will definitely recognise your efforts on home ground, but the best is that the G4 athletics body will acknowledge all those top achievers to receive a diploma to prove that they won certain items, is surely a big accomplishment.
JG Meiring HS, President HS, Fairburn College and Goodwood College also known as the G4 schools of the Goodwood area, honour those top athletes.
2012 is a beacon to show that we mean change and change is going to come in a BIG WAY.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

G4 Athletics 2012

Serious engagement and we salute our athletes!

Just a preview of high spirits today!

Miss Tarien Botha and Mr Nazeem Davids

Mrs Africa is proud!

De Bruyn and Hartzenberg battled it out!

Miss Lawrence takes the "stand" and cheer them on!

Olav can't believe his eyes!

Mrs Janse van Rensburg encourages the relay race! Tx JR!

72 photo's available from the CAT lab.