Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Die Eerste Dag vir die Graad 8's

Ons is so trots op hierdie leerders wat vanoggend soos blinknuwe munte staan en skitter het in die voorpaadjie van die skool. Ons voorsien groot dinge van hierdie groep leerders onder leiding van Mev Coetzee en haar toegewyde span registerpersoneel.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

2014 GRADE 8 - Orientation

09:00 - 13:00 Grade 8 Orientation

Grade 8's gathered in the school hall since early morning already. Mrs Sharon Coetzee (Grade Head) led the orientation with her team of register teachers. They were addressed by their Grade head, Mrs Africa (principal) and Mr Barkhuizen (vice principal). Welcome to our school!

Monday, January 13, 2014


All the new staff members joined us for a lovely function in the school hall tonight. We had loads of fun introducing each other to the staff. From now onwards we are a TEAM. The Governing Body was also present. To each and everyone, may 2014 join us together in harmony.