Friday, March 23, 2012


GRADE 7'S OF 2012

From Monday 19 March till Thursday 22 March we paid visits to primary schools that gave us a time slot to speak to their Grade 7 learners. Not all schools had the opportunity to host us, because some were busy with assessments. We promised them a link to our presentation and they want to use it to show their grade 7 learners some options when choosing a high school for next year.

Enrolment applications started 12 March 2012 and it closes on 18 May 2012 when we will start with interviews of the applicants and their parents.


Download the presentation from this link:

Our contact details is at the end of the PowerPoint presentation.

Feel free to contact us if you need more information.

3078 pageviews!

Our aim was to get 3000 page views before June 2012 and WOW, today at the beginning of the March holidays we stand at an astounding 3078 page views. This calls for a celebration image! Happy holidays! Enjoy the rest! Keep viewing our blog!

Celebration image created in Microsoft Paint!

Dear "uncle" PAT

Pat Mundy's Birthday

Pat or "uncle" Pat as he is called by our learners, is a kind hearted friend of our college. He turned ?? on Saturday 17 March 2012. In his modest way while posing for the photo, he said: "I hope this photo comes out beautifully". Pat always go beyond his job description in being a true believer in his Maker. He is always in a cheerful mood and goes about his day in his stride and for many of us it would be difficult to keep up with him in our 'bustling' staff kitchen. Thank you uncle Pat, we are proud of you and we love you. [request to remove age]

Pat Mundy's birthday! Congratulations.

Monday, March 19, 2012


I had the privilege of having an interview with one of our 7 Rachel's Angels. In an exclusive interview with Reshonda Lodewyk, I have learned the following.

The project is taking shape and Reshonda responds to my questions:
  • All identified learners are ready to commit and take part 100%
  • "We got the best news, we are going to attend a camp at Club Mykonos from 13 April - 15 April 2012, where we will meet up with our mentors from the University of Stellenbosch. (They are all active students and committed to this project.)
  • "Our mentors will then have the opportunity to get to know us and the purpose of it all is to develop our social skills, educational awareness as well as our emotional capacity to make informed decisions towards our future."
  • We received the letters late last week and we are so excited and we are humbled by this wonderful opportunity.
  • Reshonda says: "This opportunity has a big influence on how I feel about my normal school day. I am much more motivated about my school work and the opportunities that lie ahead.
We wish our 7 learners all the best of luck. This is surely an opportunity that must be cherished.

Reshonda Lodewyk Grade 11

Grade 12 - First Assessment 2012

"It's not all play and no work".

On Friday 16 March, the Grade 12's had their first experience of writing a formal assessment in the hall. Strictly under examination conditions. Almost double the number of learners since 2011. After our 98% pass rate of 2011, we have a huge responsibility and bench mark to keep up with.

Seriously engaging.


No dispute, we have the most beautiful learners!

In the centre Vashini Rose and Jody Denis

Simply the best.

Even in school clothes they shine!

Teachers and learners, from Equestrian to Home Executive!

Saturday 9 March 2012 was yet again a highlight on our social calendar. This initiative is one of our signature events. Congratulations to all contestants. You make us proud. Thank you teachers for taking part this year. This event can only grow from now on.