Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ons skone "Prinses"

Mevrou Africa, ons beeldskone skoolhoof by Lizel van der Westhuizen van Esspresso, die oggendprogram. Baie geluk.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Calendar Alert

We have 15 working (school days) before the June Exams. Consult your teachers about projects and work to be submitted.

Reminder: During the June Exams the 2nd, 16th and 17th of June 2011 our school will not be open.

Winter School 2011 for NCS Grade 12 learners.

Grade 12's. This is an invite to all, but a reminder to my CAT Grade 12's. Please spread the word.

We will be running a 4 day Winter School programme for Grade 12's. Time slot: 27 June to 30 June 2011. This is only a notice and you will get a formal invite, with time slots from us. Plan ahead. We have the following dedicated teachers that will run this venture: Mr Davids, Mrs Neethling, Mrs Coetzee, Mr Smit, Mr Adonis, Mr Barkhuizen. These learning areas will receive special revisional lectures and extra attention. Although no new material can be presented in such a program, we will be dealing with unique challenges and common problems from the June Mid Year exams. Consult with these educators please.

This is our CAT blog and I invite you to enjoy Coffee, Tea and my home baked muffins on the day we discuss PAT 3 (The Report). Sign up and Term 3 will be a breeze!

PAT phase 2

It has been a rat race with all holiday's (holy days). Thank you Grade 12's for dedicated work on: Electronic forms, Importing it to ACCESS 2007 (although it is new territory for you) Our 441 lab is one big challenge, but we will survive.  We are at the moment working on our Survey skills. E-mail addresses, submitting of electronic survey. Converting it to text files and then you download it and import text files. As discussed in class, you email one form to 2 friends and they email it back. From then on it is a "simulated" completion of at least 18 respondants. Establish your Survey Data Base. Grade 11's you will need this guidance for Pat 2.