Wednesday, March 19, 2014

2014 Spirit of the Youth Programme - 4 Learners from Goodwood College

We found the following information on the internet about this fantastic opportunity for 4 of our learners. Good luck to the 4 chosen ones.

What is Spirit of Youth?
The Spirit of Youth programme is a forum in which 11th and 12th grade learners critically engage on relevant issues that they may better define and actuate the South Africa in which they would like to live.

Learners are selected on the criteria that each has distinguished her- or himself as a leader in their school community. The expectation is that these young people are likely to have a disproportionally high impact on their immediate peers and society-at-large.

The programme brings together learners from a myriad of social, economic, geographical and educational experiences with policymakers and businesspersons from across Gauteng. Our aim is that this year-long discourse will develop new understanding of the South African context and its possibilities.
The Lucky 4 is: Aufstralia van Staden; Kerishnie Schaeffers; Bevan Magerman (at the back) Vuyani Vuyelwa

Monday, March 17, 2014


FIRST MARKET DAY FOR THE YES ENTHUSIASTS. Well done to all the organizers for a very successful day. From the happy faces I saw on the day, it sure was evident that the learners enjoyed this venture very much. The learners had 18 stalls in the main hall and they had coach teachers who gave them advice on how to manage a stall on a 'market day'.