Friday, July 30, 2010

Check your Report before you submit...

These checkpoints also available in our PAT folder on common drive:
At this point, you will have to check if you have done all that is required for phase 3. Also, ask a peer to check these. Introduction - Your own words, not task description copied, refer to research Context of investigation? The intro must invite the reader. Clear overview? Is it forced or does it introduce your main question Body: (Does it have the following?) Headings and sub-headings? Do they appear in the Table of contents? Organisation of the body: Sequence?
Supporting evidence? Unity? (related info together? Coherence? No duplication? New knowledge and insight? Graphics / images. Do they have footnotes to discuss their purpose? Support text?
Correctly placed? Captions? Conclusion: Must be in your own words looking back at the research, the research process and the applications you have used.

Presentation Readable? Good taste? / suitable to target audience?
Not too busy? Outlines are used? Slide structure? Title slide?
Menu or table of contents? Introduction? Body? Conclusion/findings?
Font? Alignment / styles? Colour? (No templates or black backgrounds please)
Background? Graphs / graphics / images ? Multimedia effects? Action buttons / hyperlinks / hotspots? Integration? Transitions / animations? Spelling and grammar?

Come on!!! It is almost over. Hang in there!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

PAT 3 - The final countdown

Like all things, the matric farewell is also something of the past. Only the photo's and the memories will linger for a while. PAT 3 is now the main buzz word. Problems that I spot from questions are as follows:
  • Aimless copying of previous phases.
  • Writing of the report with no rubric on the desk.
  • Forgetting basic word processing aspects, like page numbers, drop caps, columns, tables, graphics, cross referencing, footnotes, styles for the headings, styles for sub headings.
  • Use your survey's Excel and Access findings in your report.
  • Tackle each paragraph with the same pattern, I suggest you end every paragraph with a text box. Write your findings or new knowledge in this text box and acknowledge when you have used something as is from the internet.
  • When using graphics you can use a footnote to describe the use of that specific graphic and at the same time acknowledge the web page you got it from or the person if that information is available.
  • Do the Power Point and the Report similtaniously and that will ensure that they are in the same sequence. The Power Point is a summary of your whole report.
  • Use hyperlinks in your report and power point slide show - it proves that you have researched the topic.
  • Allow a fellow learner to read through your report and view your Power Point. This can seriuosly impact on your final mark for the PAT.
  • Good luck with your handing in on Friday.