Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Theory Assessment: First Term

Grade 12
Hardware: How to upgrade your computer. Text book.
Impact of ICT (Information Communication Technology) = New communication technology. Text book.
Assessment will be after our Theory-sessions. Time slot: After hours, because our lab time already poses a problem with the March Test Series time slots, we have double sessions on the test table. (Sorry)
Grade 11
Scenario based assessment. Read content according to specific scenario's.
Impact of Technology on work place (x-tra notes available from Mr B or Miss E)
Scheduled test with rest of school on Fridays.
(Pre reading and prep: E-mail with attachments, complete electronic survey and post back)
Have a nice ahead...use lab time and finish the activities.

Thank you Grade 12's of 2011

I have been on a overseas trip and left you with detailed PAT activities. You handed in your PAT 1's and I am grateful. The rubric has changed since and it was for the better. I am currently updating our rubric and in feedback time, I will give you an opportunity to adjust those areas only. I have all your 1st submissions on CD and therefore I can view the changes (if any). Thank you for your dedicated work so far. (I am a little bit worried about some learner's school attendance.)