Thursday, March 1, 2012


Grade 11's good luck with the formal assessment tomorrow. Be sure to study the following from your notes:
  • Internet and email
  • Compression software
  • File types - pdf, jpeg, png
  • Netiquette
  • Attachments
  • Types of networks - LAN WAN
  • Network topology
  • Reasons for networking
  • Kinds of networks
The test will be 50 marks and to be completed in the test period.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Grade 12 PAT progress

PAT progress and check list
  1. Downloaded PAT document
  2. Understand the topic and your focus
  3. Folder with electronic evidence of research to back up focus area
  4. Established email address
  5. Survey posted to 5 email recipients
  6. 5 responses imported into an Excel spreadsheet from text format
  7. 5 responses copied onto a new sheet in your spreadsheet file
  8. 15 more responses captured by you
  9. Columns added with functions and formulae as taught in Term 1
  10. Statistical data manipulated to answer questions in your report
  11. Setting up your phase 1 document with task description main question and planned 15 odd questions apart from your survey questions
  12. Determine at least 5 headings for these questions
  13. Vary the level of these questions in no certain order
  14. Compile your final electronic folder with appropriate naming
  15. Rubric checked and all uncertain areas checked by educator
  16. Ask for printed rubric, complete personal details and marked with pencil
  17. Submit on 6 March 2012
This check list is available on the network folder for Grade 12's


Never a dull moment...opportunities knocking...
Trial run and it was well received by our learners, thank you for good behaviour!
Good discipline and Mr Scheepers the referee keeping the game going! Thank you Mr Scheepers.
Action and anticipation
Electricity in the air - we love soccer sir!

Please take a photo of us! (Shannon vd Berg and friends)

Two Oceans Soccer Academy climbs on board, WOW!

At our very last School Governing Body Meeting for the current members, we were delighted to have a double celebration. Some time ago the Academy invited us to attend a special presentation of their intention to go into a partnership with the National Department of Social Development. Last night we signed a contract with them and we also officially support their motto from now onwards:  To use soccer as a positive re enforcement of good values and discipline in young people. Our learners are going to benefit from this - BIG TIME. 

From Left: Mr Llewllyn Rhoda, Mr Cecil Abrahams, Mr Barkhuizen, Mrs Tanya Olivier (seated) and
Mrs Virginia Africa Principal during the signing of the contract.

The last meeting of our current Governing Body before the elections in March 2012 and we thank them for their loyalty.


What wonderful news on this Tuesday...
Keethan Claasen came into my office waving a letter from Ajax Cape Town and he has been invited to join the  U17 team as they travel to Holland to play in the annual Future Cup organised by the Ajax Amsterdam team. He will be excused from school from 29 March 2012 to 10 April 2012 (4 school days). 

Keethan being congratulated by Mrs Africa

The Official Invitation given to Keethan by Ajax Cape Town. WHAT AN HONOUR!
GOOD LUCK! KEETHAN, you have our blessing. We are proud of you!

Monday, February 27, 2012


It sounds like you are in heaven when you walk down the passages after hours in our school. Miss Stegman and Mrs Pannewitz have to get the credit for this fantastic venture. We would like to encourage our learners to make use of this opportunity. Like Miss Moeralie said in Assembly the other day:  "Life is all about choices and it is the choice we make on a specific day that will determine our altitude in life."  I am so proud to hear the wonderful sounds of music instruments in our school!
Jacques Cornelius a Grade 10 learner at our school.
Mrs Pannewitz with Roy Wachter on the left.

Miss Stegman and her music students in the Music Room.

On the other end it is Mr Scheepers a new teacher at our school who directs the Gospel Choir. I paid them a visit on Friday and we will definitely hear more of them in the future.

Practising Gospel Choir on a Friday! Mr Scheepers a new teacher at our school.

Some of the very friendly Gospel Choir learners. We are proud of you.