Thursday, February 2, 2012

We have the most beautiful view on our way to school!

The plans that I made when horizontal are working out now that I'm vertical. ~Betsy Cañas Garmon
Goodwood College, Ruyterwacht. (2012)
Ek moes dié oggend stop en hierdie foto neem. Ek dink dit is die rede hoekom ek soms snags wakker lê en toelaat dat die dankbaarheid oor my spoel, want hierdie tyd van die oggend het niks nog 'n verlede tyd nie, dit gebeur voor jou oë. Dankie vir soveel vrede.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

About last Thursday! Congratulations Green Team!

Go green! seems to be a global slogan? Yellow? Spirit kings of the day, definitely yellow! Green was gold? Thank you for the fantastic day on the sports field. We salute everyone from teachers to gatekeepers and especially our athletes.

Thank you for driving by Minister Fritz!

From left to right: Mrs Africa (Principal), Mr Albert Fritz (Minister SD), Mrs Coetzee (HOD)

Minister Albert Fritz visited our school on Friday 27 January 2012. He is the provincial minister of Social Development in the Western Cape and he has a keen interest in developing social interaction within communities. More so to serve as a role model with a firm belief to plough back what one has experienced in life.

(If you want to read more about this kind hearted man click on this link: )

Angels visit us!

We were so fortunate to receive a visit from Rachel's Angels. The staff of Goodwood College was informed about their projects and prospects. What a worthy cause! 7 of our learners are going to take part in the 2012 project. (more about that later, keep following)