Monday, October 22, 2012


Brynneth Merrington was the first English Home Language learner to finish the paper and he was clear on the fact that it was not an easy paper.
Claudine Pieterse and Anneline Jordaan thought that the English First Additional paper was fair and true to the nature of their year's work. No surprises at all!
Today was in some cases a true Blue Monday for some of our Matric learners. A few of them "just" arrived on time and a few was left red in the face after we found that they took chances to enter the school hall still with their cell phones in their possession. Mr Barkhuizen told them about the 2 metal detectors that we have received from Safe Schools and that a cell phone can easily be traced if we are going to use it later in the week. Today they wrote English Home Language and English First Additional Language. I have spoken to a few learners after they wrote exams. More about them later.
Exactly 09:00 they started writing their English Language papers.