Monday, June 27, 2011

CAT Winter School 27 June 2011

On Monday 27'th June we came together in the CAT lab and we received all our assessment work of the second term to review and file in our portfolio's. We then had a lecture from Mr Barkhuizen about the final phase of PAT. We had our PAT1 and PAT2 results and rubrics handy to guide us in this final stage. We had lovely home baked Muffins and coffee/tea during the break, but most of us worked right through until 13:00. We almost completed our Report for PAT3 and we will be submitting our work at the end of the first week of the new term. We will be working in class and in the afternoon of the first week. It was a highly successfull day. We had a visit from our dear principal, Mrs Africa and she encouraged us to use this Winter school to our advantage. A group of learners thanked Mrs Barkhuizen for the lovely treat and we hope to see more of these delicious treats in class during our last term at Goodwood College.