Monday, October 24, 2011


Congratulations to Mrs Neethling and her learner's for winning the National Entrepreneur trophee in Gauteng earlier this month. We feel very honoured and wish to thank Mrs Neethling for all her effort.


Dear Matriculants With Monday 17 October and Wednesday 19 October out of the way we are relieved that the Practical and Theory Exams are now over. We are done with 2011's CAT. You all deserva a welcome break after the exams. Go well and stay in contact.
Mr Barkhuizen

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Good Luck!

Dear Matriculants
Today was the 2nd day of our September Trial exams. I must commend you on your behaviour the past two days while we were practising the end of the year NCS procedures.  Keep up the serious attitude. It is almost over.
Look after your health, you saw what long and hectic process it is when you do not pitch for exams.
Good Luck
Mr Barkhuizen
Chief Exam Officer

Monday, June 27, 2011

Thank you Grade 12's of 2011

I would like to openly thank all 31 of 35 learners who attended today's Winter School. I am well aware that you have compromised on holiday time and a few of you even their precious holiday jobs. I was in the same boat. For this I give you all a virtual (blog) hug and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Greetings, Mr B.
Enjoy your holidays, I am satisfied with what we have accomplished this year. Take my advice and attend the afternoon classes of TERM 3 and CAT will not be one of your nightmares at the end of the year. This is a promise. Good Luck and rest a while, I am sure going to relax.

CAT Winter School 27 June 2011

On Monday 27'th June we came together in the CAT lab and we received all our assessment work of the second term to review and file in our portfolio's. We then had a lecture from Mr Barkhuizen about the final phase of PAT. We had our PAT1 and PAT2 results and rubrics handy to guide us in this final stage. We had lovely home baked Muffins and coffee/tea during the break, but most of us worked right through until 13:00. We almost completed our Report for PAT3 and we will be submitting our work at the end of the first week of the new term. We will be working in class and in the afternoon of the first week. It was a highly successfull day. We had a visit from our dear principal, Mrs Africa and she encouraged us to use this Winter school to our advantage. A group of learners thanked Mrs Barkhuizen for the lovely treat and we hope to see more of these delicious treats in class during our last term at Goodwood College.

CAT Winter School 27 June 2011

Working through coffee break -Nurjaan Marais

Enjoying the activities: Lorenzo and Mario

Sun shining outside, we work hard: Kaylyn Leukes

Getting to grips with the final Report: Tracy Mulder

Explaining, team effort: Tauriq and Mikaeel

Grade 12 CAT's I am proud of you

It is sooooo easy? Concentrate, focus Raeez.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Term Assessment: Friday 20 May 2011

Grade 11 and 12 learners are going to be assessed on Friday 20th on this term's practical work. This is our internal assessment day (test day) and all CAT learners must be at school. You will be writing one of your choice subjects on this day and later during the day, do a practical in the CAT lab. If any learner is absent on Friday 20th it must be communicated to your register teacher and accompanied by a medical certificate/court letter/visit from the parents. Your CAT teacher will provide you with a summary of the term's skills that will be tested on this day. The main focus for Grade 12 is going to be about Integration and Data Base skills and newly aquired Excel skills. The main focus for Grade 11's will be Word skills and Mail merge in specific, First encounter with ACCESS 2007 and importing text files to Access Data Base.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ons skone "Prinses"

Mevrou Africa, ons beeldskone skoolhoof by Lizel van der Westhuizen van Esspresso, die oggendprogram. Baie geluk.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Calendar Alert

We have 15 working (school days) before the June Exams. Consult your teachers about projects and work to be submitted.

Reminder: During the June Exams the 2nd, 16th and 17th of June 2011 our school will not be open.

Winter School 2011 for NCS Grade 12 learners.

Grade 12's. This is an invite to all, but a reminder to my CAT Grade 12's. Please spread the word.

We will be running a 4 day Winter School programme for Grade 12's. Time slot: 27 June to 30 June 2011. This is only a notice and you will get a formal invite, with time slots from us. Plan ahead. We have the following dedicated teachers that will run this venture: Mr Davids, Mrs Neethling, Mrs Coetzee, Mr Smit, Mr Adonis, Mr Barkhuizen. These learning areas will receive special revisional lectures and extra attention. Although no new material can be presented in such a program, we will be dealing with unique challenges and common problems from the June Mid Year exams. Consult with these educators please.

This is our CAT blog and I invite you to enjoy Coffee, Tea and my home baked muffins on the day we discuss PAT 3 (The Report). Sign up and Term 3 will be a breeze!

PAT phase 2

It has been a rat race with all holiday's (holy days). Thank you Grade 12's for dedicated work on: Electronic forms, Importing it to ACCESS 2007 (although it is new territory for you) Our 441 lab is one big challenge, but we will survive.  We are at the moment working on our Survey skills. E-mail addresses, submitting of electronic survey. Converting it to text files and then you download it and import text files. As discussed in class, you email one form to 2 friends and they email it back. From then on it is a "simulated" completion of at least 18 respondants. Establish your Survey Data Base. Grade 11's you will need this guidance for Pat 2.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

We honour 2 learners for adding value to our school.

We have 2 learners that excelled their normal school day activities and we would like to honour their achievements.
  • Michael Robertoux [wresting WP and later this year SA's]
  • Keble Hartzenberg [rugby Excelsior - "Man of the tournament"]
Congratulations. You make us proud.

Michael achieved WP colours in 2010 and will be attending National grading later this term.

Keble played rugby for Excelsior and went on a tournament and he was awarded: "Man of the tournament"

Welcome Grade 11's

We are proud to welcome the following learners that joined our blog.
They are:
  • Brandon Cloete
  • Luke Roberts
  • Raymondo Jacobs
  • Jacques Roelofse
  • Chantelle Myburgh
  • Damian Demas
  • Danielle Brinkmeyer
  • Michael Robertoux
As you could see one needs an e-mail address to join a blog. It is essential to promote communication. A blog is all about communication. I would like you to comment on our week of establishing email addresses and the results or our current theory test.

Have a nice week.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Theory Assessment: First Term

Grade 12
Hardware: How to upgrade your computer. Text book.
Impact of ICT (Information Communication Technology) = New communication technology. Text book.
Assessment will be after our Theory-sessions. Time slot: After hours, because our lab time already poses a problem with the March Test Series time slots, we have double sessions on the test table. (Sorry)
Grade 11
Scenario based assessment. Read content according to specific scenario's.
Impact of Technology on work place (x-tra notes available from Mr B or Miss E)
Scheduled test with rest of school on Fridays.
(Pre reading and prep: E-mail with attachments, complete electronic survey and post back)
Have a nice ahead...use lab time and finish the activities.

Thank you Grade 12's of 2011

I have been on a overseas trip and left you with detailed PAT activities. You handed in your PAT 1's and I am grateful. The rubric has changed since and it was for the better. I am currently updating our rubric and in feedback time, I will give you an opportunity to adjust those areas only. I have all your 1st submissions on CD and therefore I can view the changes (if any). Thank you for your dedicated work so far. (I am a little bit worried about some learner's school attendance.)