Thursday, November 25, 2010

November handing over

Grade 11's or if you allow, my new grade 12's. It is the end of a very eventful year. Remember the frustration running Office 2003 and 2007 on the same network. The sacrifices our Khanya lab had to make due to server constraints. Well, resources need to be looked at in 2011.
With this update (long overdue) we salute our principal Mr du Plessis and wish him the best of times as he retires 10 December 2010. I also greet a very dear friend and colleague Dr Pam Miller that means the world to me and will always stay my mentor and ideal teacher. She could have changed the lives of students (and she did) but chose to stay hands on in teaching. She is also "retiring" from school, but is going to change people's lives in another venture. Why would I elaborate on a teacher you do not know? You do know her work. All her efforts in streamlining the PAT process, her association with Study Opportunities and her awe inspiring Power Point Presentations. Thanks Dr Miller.
We welcome our new (like in very new) CAT teacher Miss Alicia Esau. She will be teaching CAT Grade 10 and half of the Grade 11 classes next year. Miss Esau will be assisting me in the upkeep of this very important blog. If you are interested in a full intervention report on your progress in 2010, I will be posting your summary mark sheet breakdown in a document that you can download if you wish. (Obviously in pdf format so that you can't change it!!!)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Revision battle!

The last shift. Those who did not attend today's revision, the following: We revised all the data base formats. Input mask, validation rules, ...texts, to publish reports to Word and to analyse reports in Excel. This is a must to revisit. You have operational knowledge to revise in the chapter on Data Base. Hang in there. It is worth your while to ask your friends.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Revision Task 2: A typical Question 2 (Part One)

Question 2: Word processing issues Part 1

Working in the header or footer of the document. LOOK at the header and footer toolbar and ensure you know what you can do with it.
Look at the word menu called Insert and investigate what all the features are capable of changing. For example: Insert and then Auto Text, go look at these. A lot of learners cannot insert the page number X of Y, because they do not use insert, auto text.
To insert a date that updates automatically when you open the document.
How to insert a picture and Word Art and to group them together so that they move as one object, how to get text in front of the picture and to get the picture to act as a watermark/washed out background image.
Paper size, landscape or portrait, the width of the header and footer, margins and check out the TAB, layout in the Page Setup menu.
Text: Paragraph spacing, paragraph alignment, paragraph indent – all of these under menu item Format, paragraph.
To copy and paste special objects into a word document. For example to copy a portion of an Excel spreadsheet to a word document and then to choose paste special and tick the radial button that says: paste link and the two documents will be linked to update when the Excel portion changes.
Everything we have taught you about tables since Grade 10. Cell sizes, borders, line thickness, alignment of text in cells, alignment of table on paper, cell shading, merging of cells, deleting and adding of rows or columns, formatting of graphics in a cell.
Tab settings – tabs with leader dots, decimal tabs, tabs in tables etc.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Revision Task 1: A typical Question 1 (check list)

Know the different file extensions (Excel = *.xls; Power point = *.pps) You will be expected to copy or move files from a certain application to a different folder.
You must be able to arrange files according to their attributes: date modified or the type of file or the name of the file.
Files have different attributes. In the first case you must open the document and click on the File menu item and the following properties dialogue box will appear and you can type information in. This information will appear in a yellow tool tip when you move the mouse over the file.
You must be able to make a word count. You can be asked to open a word document and declare how many words are in the document. Select all the text and go to Tools, choose Word Count.
Save as text file.
File compression. On the network it will be a Zip file, but you also get win.rar
Read-only and hidden properties. Right click on the document name and choose properties. Tick the box they ask for.
Remove or add password protection. Go to Tools and choose options and in the dialogue box choose security and in the first box you will find a password or you need to put a password in.
Cut and move means the same if you paste it in another folder. Cut and delete means the same if you do not paste it.
Read-only attributes will not be tested in the exams due to the fact that data is burned on a CD and then all file types become Read-only.
Shortcuts can be tested to files or folders, ensure you know how to do it. Read carefully where the shortcut must be and where it must point to.Screenprints must be done by the key and we do not get zap grab in the exams.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Check your Report before you submit...

These checkpoints also available in our PAT folder on common drive:
At this point, you will have to check if you have done all that is required for phase 3. Also, ask a peer to check these. Introduction - Your own words, not task description copied, refer to research Context of investigation? The intro must invite the reader. Clear overview? Is it forced or does it introduce your main question Body: (Does it have the following?) Headings and sub-headings? Do they appear in the Table of contents? Organisation of the body: Sequence?
Supporting evidence? Unity? (related info together? Coherence? No duplication? New knowledge and insight? Graphics / images. Do they have footnotes to discuss their purpose? Support text?
Correctly placed? Captions? Conclusion: Must be in your own words looking back at the research, the research process and the applications you have used.

Presentation Readable? Good taste? / suitable to target audience?
Not too busy? Outlines are used? Slide structure? Title slide?
Menu or table of contents? Introduction? Body? Conclusion/findings?
Font? Alignment / styles? Colour? (No templates or black backgrounds please)
Background? Graphs / graphics / images ? Multimedia effects? Action buttons / hyperlinks / hotspots? Integration? Transitions / animations? Spelling and grammar?

Come on!!! It is almost over. Hang in there!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

PAT 3 - The final countdown

Like all things, the matric farewell is also something of the past. Only the photo's and the memories will linger for a while. PAT 3 is now the main buzz word. Problems that I spot from questions are as follows:
  • Aimless copying of previous phases.
  • Writing of the report with no rubric on the desk.
  • Forgetting basic word processing aspects, like page numbers, drop caps, columns, tables, graphics, cross referencing, footnotes, styles for the headings, styles for sub headings.
  • Use your survey's Excel and Access findings in your report.
  • Tackle each paragraph with the same pattern, I suggest you end every paragraph with a text box. Write your findings or new knowledge in this text box and acknowledge when you have used something as is from the internet.
  • When using graphics you can use a footnote to describe the use of that specific graphic and at the same time acknowledge the web page you got it from or the person if that information is available.
  • Do the Power Point and the Report similtaniously and that will ensure that they are in the same sequence. The Power Point is a summary of your whole report.
  • Use hyperlinks in your report and power point slide show - it proves that you have researched the topic.
  • Allow a fellow learner to read through your report and view your Power Point. This can seriuosly impact on your final mark for the PAT.
  • Good luck with your handing in on Friday.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Be a princess or a prince tonight!

Matric Farewell Function 2010. What a memorable year this one is going to be. Soccer World Cup and Nelson Mandela's 92nd birthday on Sunday. To all my Grade 12 CAT learners. Enjoy tonight and come to my table. I am an excellent photographer and my Grade 11 learners will gladly write you a CD to keep. I know you always look beautiful and I am proud of you.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I have spent 3 days during the holiday to review the PAT's and again assess changes from Pat 1 to the electronic phase. I attached a review document and you can download it (this is a private affair and concerns Goodwood College learners only) if you are a visitor to our blog, stay away from this document it will bore you to death. Download: Discussion When you downloaded the document, open it and browse to where you see your name and read the comments I have made.
Good luck with the preparations for PAT 3.

Welcome back!

It is so exciting! Back at school for the 3rd Term and Friday is our matric farewell function. My wife and myself are always looking forward to this affair, because the learners always come up with surprises on such an evening. Good luck with your preparations and arrangements. In the meantime we will be analyzing our June papers and extra aid will be available for those learners who need it, after today's information session in class.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thank You!

I wish to thank the following learners: Sergio, Danusha, Liyana, Nabeel, Tarique,Aidan, Ashwin, Janice, Christopher M, Thivashen, Renethe, Monique, Shanice, Tameron, Shiron, Lisa, Zandrea, Hendrik, Philzeen, Rafiq, Marthernic, Sanchia and Tamlinn for attending my Winter School Cat Session. I think you will most definitely benefit from our 3 hour session. I am proud of you. Enjoy the rest of your holiday!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Welcome to the faithful matriculants! 28 June 2010

I was very surprised to greet so many matriculants at school this morning. Allow me to thank everyone for attending. I am the first person to acknowledge the sacrifice you had to make to be here today. On behalf of the management of the school, we are monitoring your attendance and you will most defninitely reap the fruits of your revision during the holiday. Have a nice week!

A special word of thanks to the teachers: Mrs Neethling, Mr Davids, Mr Barkhuizen, Mr Smit and Mrs Coetzee for hosting the Winter School. We appreciate your efforts in helping the matrics revise and prepare for the prelim exams in September.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mid Year Marks for Grade 12's!

I received an e-mail this morning requesting a summary of grade 12 marks to be handed in before 17 July 2010. This means that I have to finalize all marks during the holiday. All outstanding assessments must be discussed with me before the end of the term please. (9 June 2010)

Grade 12's, please note that the following assessment work must be in your portfolio's before you go on holiday:
Term 1: Theory test and Practical Task
Term 2: Practical task and June Practical Exam and June Theory Exam
Also: PAT1 and PAT2 plus your electronic folder on the Network drive in one folder called: SurnameNamePAT2010G12

At Last! Hyperlinked to Google Docs!

Phew! It was not tough at all. The basic ctrl+c and ctrl+v saved my day! The links to the google docs are longer than my arm! OK. You can now download the notes on queries. It is in a zip file and it also has a little practical data file if you want to test the theory.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Struggle with basic Queries!

I am marking Gr12 practicals and I am amazed at the typical mistakes they make. I have a few notes on queries and would like to encourage those who struggle with it, to look at these notes. (Just click on the word: notes and download the practical notes on queries.) Please feel free to comment, because this is a new blog, I really would like some feedback.

Winter Holiday Madness!

Grade 12 learners are all invited to attend our marathon winter school revision session. This will take place on 29 June 2010 at school. Bring along stationary and your text book please. You can register online at . Clearly indicate if you are attending the session or declining the opportunity. This will ensure that you will receive notes on the day.


Hi everyone
The birth of our first blog for Computer Applications Technology at Goodwood College. It is my dream as subject coordinator to use this forum to reach all my "high flyer" learners in CAT at Goodwood College.

I am still new at blogging, but thanks to Google it is much easier than expected.
Till later
GC Cat's